What is love??? Passionate feelings towards another person... Strong emotions betweeen 2 person... Liking each other... Whatever definitions I get from everywhere, I just feel that there isn't a proper one that can define precisely what is love... (I don't mean any offence here just part of sharing my thoughts,ok? So you can leave your comments anytime)
Love is part of our life, I don't mean that you have no life - > to those who is single out there (meaning you are still not having someone special together)... See, you still love your parents, your siblings, your relatives, your friends, your pets(if you have any), your career and lots of others... So love can be found everywhere in everything in your life... You just need to search within yourself... All those type of love mentioned above, which is the most important to you? Again you have to search for yourself (I'm not here to help you to find the answer as I'm also one of those who is still searching)
I've just realised all the while I have never taken time to analysed what is the most important thing in my life, oh well I mean here is --> which type of love is the most important to me? Parents, siblings and all those close relatives, why do I love them??? Is it because of the bond (blood) that ties us together... I have no choices in selecting family because I'm born to this family... I have no rights to choose who to be my parents, siblings but all others... husband, friends, pets, careers, etc... those that we can choose... WE WILL WONDER ' DID I HAVE THE RIGHT CHOICE???'
Well, I see that each time when the love issues comes to my mind and thoughts... there are just too many in my thoughts, so, I better stop now or else it would be a never ending story. Love seems so simple yet complicated at the same time...